Kim Dokja from "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoin

June 09, 2024

 Kim Dokja "THE READER"

Character Overview

Kim Dokja is the main character in the web novel "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint" (ORV) by Sing-Shong. He starts as a regular office worker but becomes a key player in a series of survival scenarios. His deep knowledge of the novel "Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World" (TWSA) is his biggest advantage as the events of the book come to life.

Importance and Role in the Story

Kim Dokja's role in ORV is very important. His unique understanding of the story, combined with his strategic thinking and ability to adapt, makes him crucial in navigating the apocalyptic events. His role changes from a passive reader to an active participant and leader, guiding his friends through the challenges they face.

Key Roles:

1.Strategist and Leader: 

Kim Dokja uses his knowledge of TWSA to plan for future events. His leadership skills grow as he earns the trust of his allies.

2.Narrative Guide: 

With his deep understanding of the original story, Kim Dokja helps his group make informed decisions and avoid mistakes.

3.Emotional Support: 

Despite sometimes seeming distant, Kim Dokja becomes a source of support and motivation for his friends.


Kim Dokja's relationships with other characters are central to his development and the progression of the story:

1.Yoo Jonghyuk: 

Their relationship is complicated. Initially marked by mutual suspicion and rivalry, it evolves into respect and an unspoken partnership as they face many challenges together.

2.Han Sooyoung: 

Kim Dokja shares a complex relationship with Han Sooyoung, characterized by both collaboration and rivalry. Their interactions are marked by deep understanding and strategic alliance.

3.Lee Jihye: 

Kim Dokja takes on a mentor-like role for Lee Jihye, guiding her and helping her develop her skills. Their relationship highlights his caring and protective nature.

4.Other Allies:

Kim Dokja forms strong bonds with other members of his group, including Yoo Sangah, Lee Hyunsung, and Jung Heewon. Each relationship adds depth to his character and highlights different facets of his personality.

5.Kim Dokja's Mother (Jeong Yeongran): 

Kim Dokja's relationship with his mother is one of the most emotionally charged aspects of the story. Her abusive behavior and the trauma it caused significantly shaped Kim Dokja's personality and worldview. Despite the pain, he still cares for her deeply, showcasing his capacity for forgiveness and compassion.

6.Shin Yoosung:

Shin Yoosung is a young girl who becomes very attached to Kim Dokja. He acts as a guardian and mentor to her, providing emotional support and guidance. Their bond is strong, and she often looks up to him as a father figure.

7.Lee Gilyoung: 

Another young character who forms a close bond with Kim Dokja. Lee Gilyoung sees Kim Dokja as a big brother and is fiercely loyal to him. Their relationship highlights Kim Dokja's nurturing side and his ability to inspire trust and loyalty in others.


Bihyung is Kim Dokja's partner dokkaebi, responsible for overseeing and managing the scenarios. Their relationship evolves from a professional partnership to a more personal bond as they face numerous challenges together. Bihyung's support and guidance are crucial to Kim Dokja's success.


She is reborn Shin Yoosung form different worldline,also plays a significant role in supporting Kim Dokja and his companions. Biyo's innocence and dedication add a lighter, more endearing element to their interactions, later kim dokja company moves to Biyo channel

Important Constellations:


Uriel is one of Kim Dokja's most steadfast supporters among the constellations. Her genuine affection for him and her unwavering belief in his potential provide crucial support throughout his journey. She often intervenes to assist Kim Dokja and his group, demonstrating her loyalty and care.

2.Abyssal Black Flame Dragon: 

This powerful constellation acknowledges Kim Dokja's capabilities and potential. The Abyssal Black Flame Dragon's support grants Kim Dokja formidable powers, enhancing his ability to navigate the dangerous scenarios.

3.Secretive Plotter: 

The Secretive Plotter, later revealed to be Han Sooyoung, plays a crucial role in Kim Dokja's journey. Their complex relationship adds layers of intrigue and strategy to the story, highlighting their deep connection and mutual reliance.

4.Sun Wukong: 

The Monkey King, Sun Wukong, is another influential constellation who acknowledges Kim Dokja's strength and cunning. Sun Wukong's support adds to Kim Dokja's arsenal, providing valuable assistance during critical moments.

Skills and Attributes

Kim Dokja's skills and attributes are key to his effectiveness in the story's scenarios:

1.Extensive Knowledge of TWSA: 

Kim Dokja's deep familiarity with "Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World" provides him with crucial insights into upcoming events, characters, and potential strategies.

2.Strategic Thinking: 

His ability to think strategically and anticipate future events is one of his greatest strengths. He often devises complex plans and contingencies to navigate the challenges presented by the scenarios.


Kim Dokja's adaptability and quick thinking enable him to respond effectively to unexpected developments and threats.

4.Narrative Manipulation: 

As the "Reader," Kim Dokja can influence the story's progression, leveraging narrative elements to his advantage.

Supporting Constellation

Unlike most characters in ORV, Kim Dokja does not initially have a supporting constellation. However, as the story progresses, his actions and influence grow, leading to his recognition as a constellation himself.

.Demon King of Salvation

 As a constellation, Kim Dokja embodies the attributes of salvation and sacrifice. He becomes a symbol of hope and resilience for his companions.His constellation powers include the ability to provide support and protection to his allies, enhancing their capabilities and morale.

. Nebula Kim Dokja's Company

 This represents the collective strength and unity of Kim dokja's group. It symbolizes their shared journey and the bonds they've formed , The constellation offers collective benefits to his nebula, amplifying their abilities when they work together.

Relationship with the Underworld: Persephone and Hades

Kim Dokja's connection with the Underworld is a significant aspect of his character arc:

1. Persephone and Hades: 

As part of his journey, Kim Dokja interacts with Persephone and Hades, two powerful constellations from the Greek pantheon. These interactions play a crucial role in shaping his destiny and the path he takes.

   Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld, recognizes Kim Dokja's potential and offers her support. Their relationship is marked by mutual respect and a shared understanding of the burdens they carry.

   Hades, the King of the Underworld, also acknowledges Kim Dokja's significance. His recognition further solidifies Kim Dokja's standing among the constellations.

2. Heir of the Underworld: 

Kim Dokja becomes the heir of the Underworld, a title that grants him immense power and responsibility. This role emphasizes his growing influence and the respect he garners from powerful entities.


Kim Dokja is a character of remarkable depth and complexity in "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint." His journey from an ordinary reader to a pivotal figure in the unfolding narrative is a testament to his strategic acumen, adaptability, and resilience. Through his intricate relationships, multifaceted personality, and eventual recognition as a constellation, Kim Dokja plays a vital role in the story, ensuring that readers are continually engaged and intrigued by his actions and decisions. His evolution into a constellation himself underscores his significance and lasting impact on the world of ORV.

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 Kim Dokja "THE READER" Character Overview Kim Dokja is the main character in the web novel "Omniscient Reader's Viewpoi...

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